Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 11:00 AM
September 12, 2023
Williams Lake, BC – The Cariboo Regional District has released its Accessibility Plan, providing guidance and direction on how it will address barriers in its services and operations. Like several other local governments, we are legally required to release a plan and provide a platform for public feedback on it.
Our plan focuses on three core areas:
Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 10:26 AM
Electoral Area G Director Al Richmond is presented with a photo of the 108 Mile Heritage Site by Board Chair Margo Wagner in recognition of his 30 years of service to the Cariboo region.
Director Al Richmond recognized for 30 years of service
The board took some time to recognize Director Al Richmond of Electoral Area G for his 30 years of service to the region. Director Richmond, first elected in November 1993, has served in a variety of roles throughout his tenure, including as Chair of the...
Posted on Monday, September 11, 2023 01:30 PM
September 11, 2023
Williams Lake, BC – Referendums are being scheduled for the Miocene and Interlakes areas to authorize loans for new fire trucks. On November 4, 2023, voters will be asked to cast their vote and decide on how funds will be borrowed to purchase new fire trucks.
Interlakes residents are being asked to cast their vote on a proposal to borrow up to $1.9 million through three separate loans each financed over...
Posted on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 03:10 PM
CRD Board on the Road – Interlakes
The regional district’s board will be taking its September 7th and 8th meetings on the road to the Interlakes Community Hall. Community Members are invited to attend the meeting. Residents can also join the Board and delegates from the Tsq’éscen First Nation for a territorial welcome and a tour of the Ice Caves at 2:15 p.m., followed by a meet and greet at 4:00 p.m. at the Community Hall, where coffee and cake will be served.
Cariboo Regional District calls for...
Posted on Friday, August 11, 2023 09:00 AM
August 10, 2023
100 Mile House, BC –The Cariboo Regional District is pleased to announce that it has awarded a $6.3 million construction contract for the South Cariboo Regional Airport to Quesnel Paving Ltd., a division of Colas Western Canada Inc. This award follows the conclusion of an open procurement process which resulted in two general contractors bidding on the contract. Quesnel Paving Ltd. was selected as the preferred proponent based on their bid price, prior experience, and...