Posted on Monday, January 11, 2021 02:51 PM
Jan. 11, 2021
21 - 03
For Immediate Release
The Cariboo Regional District is carefully monitoring reports of increasing numbers of COVID-19 exposures in the region. To assist health authorities in this critical time the district is asking residents and property owners to note the information below, abide by all public health directives, and take whatever steps are available to them to help limit the spread of the virus in our community.
Posted on Monday, January 11, 2021 10:51 AM
Jan. 11, 2021
21 - 01
For Immediate Release
The first phase of an initiative to bring improved internet and mobile phone service to the Cariboo region will end on January 22, when the public survey on broadband coverage in the region ends. To date over two thousand responses have been received from residents, property owners, and businesses within the Cariboo Regional District.
While documenting the realities of limited service in the region...
Posted on Friday, January 08, 2021 11:12 AM
The CRD is initiating a Solid Waste Management Plan update, and is in search of dedicated individuals from environmental/conservation organizations, business groups, consumer groups, large waste generators, First Nations communities, school districts, chambers of commerce, business associations, ratepayers or community associations, interested residents, youth and seniors from all CRD electoral areas and member municipalities to form a Solid Waste Advisory Committee.
The Solid Waste Advisory Committee...
Posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 08:23 AM
The alternative approval process (AAP) for the proposed installation of streetlights along Maple Drive in Electoral Area ‘A’, immediately south of the City of Quesnel was completed on Monday, November 16 and approved by the CRD board on December 4. Now the regional district will be working with BC Hydro to have 23 streetlights installed along Maple Drive. Residents along the corridor (see accompanying map for the location of the streetlights and AAP eligible voter boundaries) will pay $7.31 per $100,000...
Posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 08:20 AM
The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is conducting a survey of residents, businesses, organizations and institutions regarding broadband service in the region. The purpose of the survey is to obtain information and feedback about existing internet and cellular services in the CRD, to assist with future planning and strategy development intended to improve high speed internet service in rural areas.
The survey can be filled out online at:
Resident Survey