This report provides a strategy for the CRD to connect residents and businesses that do not have broadband service at the USO as well as to develop broad cellular coverage throughout the region. The project:
The report is organized to step the reader through relevant background information about the CRD, identifies what the CRD wants its future state to look like and why, provides a summary of where CRD is today and then discusses what can be done to improve connectivity in CRD.
As part of the report, the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) conducted a survey of residents, businesses, organizations and institutions regarding broadband service in the region. The purpose of the survey was to obtain information and feedback about existing internet and cellular services in the CRD, to assist with future planning and strategy development intended to improve high speed internet service in rural areas. The survey is now closed, but a summary of the findings can be found in the appendices of the report (linked above). Subscribe to this page (link at bottom) to receive updates and news about the regional broadband strategy.
To view printed versions of the survey questions visit the links below:
Cariboo Residential Connectivity Survey (PDF)
Cariboo Business Connectivity Survey (PDF)
You can continue to test your current download/upload speeds even though the survey collection period is now complete. Please visit: CRD Internet Performance Test