Surface Foundations: Fee (Fee includes service connections inspections)
Foundations Below Frost Depth: Fee plus additional fee based on construction value of foundation as determined by the Building Official. (fee includes factory-installed plumbing)
Documents required for 'manufactured home in mobile home park' permit application |
Incomplete applications will not be accepted
"Pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act), the personal information collected will only be used for the purposes of evaluating your application. Your personal information will not be released except in accordance with the Act. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Cariboo Regional District’s Manager of Corporate Services, Suite D, 180 North Third Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, 250-392-3351 or" |
Documents required for 'manufactured home addition, ancillary structures in mobile home park' permit application |
Incomplete applications will not be accepted
"Pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act), the personal information collected will only be used for the purposes of evaluating your application. Your personal information will not be released except in accordance with the Act. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Cariboo Regional District’s Manager of Corporate Services, Suite D, 180 North Third Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, 250-392-3351 or" |
When is a permit required? |
Who is responsible for obtaining the building permits? |
What are the bylaw regulations affecting buildings in mobile home parks? |
Minimum yard setbacks: Internal road right-of-way 1.8 metres, rear 1.5 metres, side 1.5 metres. |
Documents required for 'manufactured home on private property' permit application |
Incomplete applications will not be accepted
"Pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act), the personal information collected will only be used for the purposes of evaluating your application. Your personal information will not be released except in accordance with the Act. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Cariboo Regional District’s Manager of Corporate Services, Suite D, 180 North Third Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, 250-392-3351 or" |
Documents required for 'manufacture home addition, ancillary structures on private property' permit application |
Incomplete applications will not be accepted
"Pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act), the personal information collected will only be used for the purposes of evaluating your application. Your personal information will not be released except in accordance with the Act. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Cariboo Regional District’s Manager of Corporate Services, Suite D, 180 North Third Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, 250-392-3351 or" |
When is a permit required? |
A building permit is required when construction is located within a building inspection area and the work consists of:
* Exceptions
Are building permits required in my area? |
In the Cariboo Regional District there are three local service areas which benefit from the building inspection function:
**All construction within the Province of BC is required to comply with the BC Building Code even if the project is being constructed outside of a building inspection service area. |
Do I need a building permit for a storage shed? |
Building permits are only needed for a structure larger than 20 square meters. The location and dimensions of the shed must comply with zoning bylaw regulations. |
Do I need a building permit to build a deck? |
Yes, a building permit is required to build a deck and to rebuild an existing deck. In the following circumstances a permit is not required:
How large of a shop/garage can I build without a conventional foundation? |
Any single story accessory building less than 55 square metres (592 square feet), does not require a conventional footing and foundation wall design as per BCBC 9.15. An example foundation is included in our Residential Garage Workshop Application Drawings form. |
When do I need to schedule an inspection? |
It is the responsibility of the property owner(s) to give at least two (2) working days (48 hours) notice to the Building department when a stage of construction is reached which requires inspection. The owner(s) may delegate this to their contractor, but are still ultimately responsible for ensuring inspections have been requested and approved. Inspections will be listed on your permit document or click the link to see when inspections are required: Inspections required |