Official community plans (OCPs) are policy documents intended to provide future direction for land use decisions. Any land use initiative must be consistent with these plans.
An Official Community Plan (OCP) expresses a community vision, identifies objectives, and provides policies for achieving the objectives. By identifying acceptable uses of land and establishing policies with respect to development and servicing, an OCP helps to guide the decisions of private landowners, developers, the Regional Districts, and other authorities.
OCPs may be amended to accommodate land uses on properties which were not considered during the development of the plan. Public Hearings are held during this process to ensure resident and stakeholder feedback is received and accounted for during the process of amending OCP. More information can be found through our Public Hearings page.
A neighbourhood plan outlines a detailed vision for future development in a relatively small area. Compared to an official community plan, a neighbourhood plan is more specific and focused on particular topics.
The Cariboo Regional District is currently developing a neighbourhood plan for the following: