Description |
Oxeye daisy is a long-lived perennial forb introduced to North America from Europe both as a seed contaminant and as an ornamental (Olson and Wallander 1999). A single plant may produce up to 26,000 seeds which are spread by wind. Oxeye daisy is a good seed banker and most seeds remain viable up to six years in the soil (Olson and Wallander 1999). |
Type |
Perennial |
Habitat & Impacts |
Although it is most common on neutral or basic soils, it can tolerate a wide range of moisture and soil texture conditions. Oxeye daisy does not tolerate shade well and is seldom found in areas with thick tall vegetation. Oxeye daisy generally spreads slowly, but once established it is difficult to eradicate. Heavy infestations can reduce or eliminate native vegetation. Oxeye daisy is unpalatable to cattle and pigs but grazed by horses, sheep, and goats. Heavy infestations can result in decreased forage availability for livestock. Heavy grazing pressure tends to result in increased cover of oxeye daisy, whereas light grazing does not affect the cover in established infestations (Kydd 1964). |
Method of Spread |
Spreads by seed or by underground rhizome A single plant may produce up to 26,000 seeds which are spread by wind. Oxeye daisy is a good seed banker and most seeds remain viable up to six years in the soil (Olson and Wallander 1999). |
Location |
Oxeye daisy is widespread in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast. Records of oxeye daisy are concentrated along the main highway corridors, all developed areas, and utility rights-of-ways. The inventory of this species is poor. |
Mechanical |
Hand pulling, cutting, or mowing oxeye daisy can reduce or eliminate seed production, but may also result in the spread of the infestation through stimulated rhizome growth, and is not considered an effective method for reducing infestations. Cultivation can be used to reduce or eliminate oxeye daisy, as the shallow roots are easily killed by cutting and exposure. |
Chemical |
Oxeye daisy is moderately resistant to most 2,4-D based herbicides but picloram has been found to be effective at controlling oxeye daisy, for at least some period. Clopyralid and Glyphosate can also be used. |
Biological |
No biological control agents are available for this species, but development is underway. |
Cultural |
Fertilizer treatment with Ammonium sulphate has been found to be almost as effective as herbicides at controlling oxeye daisy in some studies in the United States, and also resulted in increased forage production. |
CCCIPC Priority & Treatment Strategy |
Priority 3 (established). Oxeye daisy is ranked as “Established” in all regions but the Chilcotin where it is ranked as Priority 2 (containment). Although no effective and economically feasible management solution is available for the widespread distribution of oxeye daisy found in our area, the increasing abundance and distribution of this species and the impacts on livestock producers highlight the need to develop controls for this species. Local control recommended for high-value sites. |
Local Level |
Tilling where possible, sulphur soil amendments, cutting, or mowing and or chemical treatments with Glyphosate or 2,4-D. |
Landscape Level |
Chemical where important values are threatened. |
Invasive species profile taken from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Invasive Plant Committee Invasive Plant Regional Strategic Plan