Description |
A native of Europe, Teasel is often seen in horticultural planting and dried flower arrangements. Teasel has a stout taproot that may be over two feet deep and 1 inch in diameter at the crown. Plant stems are rigid and can reach heights of up to 6 feet with several rows of downward-facing prickles. Adult plants have large, oblong, opposite, sessile leaves that are prickly, especially on the lower midrib. Flowers are small, generally purple, and tightly packed in oval-shaped heads. The flowers are subtended by stiff, spiny bracts that are terminally on the flowering stems. |
Type |
Monocarpic Perennial |
Habitat & Impacts |
By seed, single plants can produce over 2,000 seeds and the seeds can remain viable in the soil for up to 2 years. |
Method of Spread |
Teasel usually grows in open, sunny areas on a range of wet to dry soils. It can usually be found on prairies, savannahs, meadows, and roadsides. Teasel is an aggressive exotic that forms extensive monocultures. |
Location |
Williams Lake (isolated site) |
Mechanical |
Hand pulling small infestations can be effective especially when the plant is dug up before the seed is set. Cutting plants near the flowering stage is also effective to stop seed spread. |
Chemical |
Metsulfuron-methyl, aminopyralid, imazapyr, triclopyr, glyphosate, can all be effective. Chemical treatments are most effective when conducted as the plant is still actively growing and before seed set. |
Biological |
None |
CCCIPC Priority & Treatment Strategy |
Not prioritized at this time (Fall 2010). CRD crews are actively treating the one known site of it. |
Local Level |
Hand pulling and digging before seed set. |
Landscape Level |
Herbicide. |
Invasive species profile taken from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Invasive Plant Committee Invasive Plant Regional Strategic Plan