Nick Stephens, Projects (Interior) Manager, First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), joined the meeting to provide information regarding the FNHA.
Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Procedure Bylaw No. 187 was given three readings and adopted
Nine items were received to the Hospital Consent Calendar.
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation CEO Dan Buffett and Forest Enhancement Society of BC Executive Director Steve Kozuki joined the meeting to provide information on funded conservation projects in the region, talk about ideal outcomes and current project milestones.
Bylaw 5340 (rezoning from M 1-4 to M 1-6) for 7109 Lakes Boulevard (Area L) was given third reading.
Bylaw 5343 (rezoning from RR1 To RR 3 and RR2) for Lot 4, District Lot 8126, Cariboo District, Plan 23269 (Likely Road/Area F) was given third reading.
The application for a Temporary Permit for 1265 Sam Toy Avenue (Area A) to allow the subject lands and buildings to be used for a restaurant and distillery with a patio for dining was approved.
The Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Decisions Report of December 1, 2021 was received for information.
An application from property owners at 5447 Kennedy Road for an extension of the Gateway water system was received with direction to establish the appropriate legal agreement with the property owners and amend the water system service area boundary to include the land parcel.
A proposal to undertake preliminary analysis towards a potable water solution for the residents of Tatla Lake, was received with direction to approve use of Rural Feasibility Reserve Funding in the amount of $23,000 to undertake this preliminary analysis.
A proposal from the Quesnel and District Heritage Association to perform lighting and washroom upgrades at the Quesnel and District Antique Machinery Park, was received, with $19,000 for the project approved from the 2021 Community Halls Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund.
A proposal from the Roe Lake & District Recreation Commission to perform a lighting upgrade at the Interlakes Community Hall, was received, with $12,000 for the project approved from the 2021 Community Halls Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund.
Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of November 2021 was received and ratified.
An agenda item summary with recommended appointments to the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee was received and approved. The Board appointed Director Massier as the CRD Liaison to the Committee.
Six items were received to the Board Consent Calendar.
The minutes of the South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held November 8, 2021, were received.
The minutes of the South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held November 8, 2021, were received.
The 2022 South Cariboo Grants for Assistance applications as presented to the South Cariboo Joint Committee on November 8, 2021, were received and the Joint Committee recommendations endorsed.
The minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee meeting, held November 9, 2021, were received.
The recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee meeting, held November 9, 2021, that the Committee provide a letter of support and confirm that ice time will be made available for a KIJHL Jr. B Hockey Team was endorsed.
The Cariboo Regional District's application to Northern Development Initiative Trust's Community Places grant for $30,000 to support new trails at the Kosta's Cove Site, was endorsed and approved for submission.
A recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee meeting, held November 9, 2021, that the Cariboo Regional District allocate up to $50,000 of COVID-19 Safe Restart Funds in 2022 to offset lost revenue in the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks budget as a result of COVID-19, was endorsed.
The minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting, held November 18, 2021, were received.
The minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held November 24, 2021, were received.
A recommendation from the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held November 24, 2021, regarding allocation of the 2022 Central Cariboo Grants for Assistance funds was received and endorsed.
The minutes of the Solid Waste Management Committee meeting, held November 26, 2021, were received.
A progress report on the Solid Waste Management Plan update, be received and eight options endorsed for further investigation.
The Cariboo Regional District 2021 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5319(1), 2021 was given three readings and adopted.
The Lac La Hache Fire Protection Service Area Expansion Bylaw No. 5351, 2021 was adopted.
The following appointments to outside organizations were endorsed:
Municipal Finance Authority:
- Director Al Richmond,
Alternate: Director Jim Glassford
Fraser Basin Council:
- Director Bob Simpson
Alternate: Director Mary Sjostrom
NDIT Regional Advisory Committee:
- Director Wagner
Alternate: Director Macdonald
- Director Sjostrom
Alternate: Director Mernett
CCRHD & CRD Meetings: Friday, January 14, 2022
See full CCHRD and CRD agenda and minutes at