Powerful presentation made by the Cariboo Brain Injury Association
Mike Dewing, Chair of the Cariboo Brain Injury Association, spoke to the Board about care and supports available for persons with brain injuries in the Cariboo. He shared his personal experience and the stories of others about life after a brain injury. He also discussed the growing network of support for people who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, which now includes a Facebook page to spread information about available supports.
New communications strategy expands use of non-digital tactics
The Cariboo Regional District is committing to continuous improvements through a new communications strategy in its approach to how it works to inform residents about what we are doing. The new strategy lays out a commitment to use more non-digital methods to keep residents up to date, while still using well established digital communications channels to keep connected. This transition was informed by feedback and observations from residents and CRD officials during various public awareness and engagement campaigns.
As part of that effort, the CRD is conducting a feedback survey for residents to let us know how we are doing with our communications efforts. The feedback generated will inform future improvements to our program so we can get information to you more consistently. You can help by taking the survey today.
$45,000 Community works funds committed to 108 Mile Community Hall energy efficiency upgrades
$45,000 in Community Works funding will be made available to the 108 Mile Ranch Community Association to fund energy efficiency improvements at the 108 Mile community hall. The funding will be used to make several building envelope upgrades, including new energy efficient insulation, wall surface preparation, and applying house wrap to the exterior. Combined, these upgrades will significantly improve the community hall’s energy efficiency and heat retention.
CCRHD agrees to fund lifesaving AEDs in West Chilcotin
It’s a small amount of funding with a potential life saving impact in a part of the region with limited access to healthcare. The CCRHD Board has committed $2,240 to the West Chilcotin Health Care Society to replace batteries in eight Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) at various locations throughout Electoral Area J. AED’s are easy to use, safe, and can stabilize someone in crisis so they can be transported safely to a hospital.
Foundation Partnership grant supports equipment in 100 Mile General Hospital
Just over $34,5000 in Foundation Partnership grant funding has been awarded to the South Cariboo Health Foundation for a Spacelabs patient monitoring system at 100 Mile General Hospital. The equipment that this system uses will assist nursing teams at the hospital to monitor up to four patients at a time and provide vital information to access and prioritize patient care.
CRD submits Business Façade Improvement program application
An application for $20,000 in funding has been submitted to the Northern Development Improvement Trust’s Business Façade Improvement Program. The program provides matching funds towards upgrades to a business’s street-facing lighting, signage, architectural features, and other exterior features to enhance the visual appeal of the business. Except for 2023, the program has been offered since 2016 and has supported 32 businesses in the regional district with façade improvements.
Nearly $70,000 in grants committed for community associations and non-profits
Several funding requests from community groups around the Cariboo were approved at the last Board meeting of the year. The grants for assistance program provides funding to local non-profit organizations delivering proven benefits to communities in the regional district. Community groups which were successful in their funding applications include:
Solid waste management plan update set for Provincial approval
The board of directors has authorized the new solid waste management plan to be referred to the Minister of Environment and Climate Strategy for approval. Over the next ten years, the plan aims to reduce the amount of landfilled waste by 100 kilograms per resident. You can do your part by:
More information about the plan can be found on our website and in a recent media release.
Upcoming Meetings:
Jan. 9 @ 10:00 a.m. – Heritage Steering Committee
Jan. 11 @ 9:30 a.m. – Finance-Budget Committee
Jan. 12 @ 9:30 a.m. – CCRHD / CRD Board
See the full CCRHD and CRD agendas and minutes at cariboord.ca/agendasminutes.