Regional Hospital District tax rate frozen for 2025
The CCRHD Board has approved a financial plan which will see the current tax rate of $75 per $100,000 assessed property value remain unchanged for 2025. Overall hospital district assessments in the region increased by 6%, which will add $830,540 to revenues to support healthcare equipment purchases and infrastructure projects. The majority of funds are continuing to be used alongside capital reserve funds to finance the construction of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Expansion project.
Based on projections provided by Northern and Interior Health, keeping the rate at $75.00 per $100,000 over the duration of the five-year plan will maintain a healthy surplus in the future. It would also ensure the CCRHD would be well positioned to contribute funding for any future major healthcare projects in the region.
Final conditions determined for proposed rezoning of Lac La Hache cannabis store
A bylaw to change the zoning for a split café and cannabis store located at 4842 Hamilton Road in Lac La Hache has progressed through the approval process. The Board gave two readings to the bylaw, has outlined the conditions that need to be met before the bylaw can be adopted by the Board. These include receiving an approved Controlled Access Permit from the Ministry of Transportation and Transit and providing proof to the CRD that the Ministry’s concerns about lighting impacts on traffic have been addressed.
The store has been permitted to operate under a Temporary Use Permit which was granted in 2021 and will expire in November 2027. Temporary use permits provide the CRD with the ability to “test” whether a proposed use will be substantially compatible with the character and uses of the surrounding area. A formal rezoning will permit this use to continue in perpetuity with no further approvals required.
Application to Universal Water Meter Pilot project approved
The CRD will be applying to the Province of BC’s Universal Water Meter Pilot Project, with a proposal to convert three small water systems to metered systems. These systems include Horse Lake, Forest Grove, and Lac La Hache water systems which collectively serve 588 properties. If approval is provided, costs up to $5 million for installing water meters would be fully funded by the Province of B.C.
The goal of this pilot project is to promote water conservation by gathering information about water usage in these systems, and applying proportional charges based on how much water is used by different properties. Results of the application are expected in the next few months, which would also impact timelines for communications about any changes or proposals related to the CRD’s participation in the pilot.
Ink dries on first support funding agreements with West Chilcotin Community Halls
The CRD Board has approved the signing of agreements with three non-profit community hall operators in the West Chilcotin. These agreements will see $8,000 per year provided to each of the Nimpo Lake, Tatla Lake, and Anahim Lake community halls – something that received approval from eligible voters in 2024. The funding is provided through a new parcel tax that is charged on all properties in Electoral Area J, and will assist with rising operating and insurance costs at these halls.
Advocacy priorities mulled for meeting of North Central local government officials
The first discussions were held about proposed resolutions to submit to the North Central Local Government Association’s annual general meeting. This convention sees elected officials gather, representing local governments from 100 Mile House north to the Yukon Board, McBride west to Haida Gwaii, and everywhere in between. The Board has requested that staff research and prepare resolutions to request provincial action on these topics:
The final copies of the resolutions will be presented to the Board at their February 28, 2025 board meeting, where endorsement and submission will be contemplated.
Seeds planted for “Roots to Grow” marketing initiative
An agriculture specific economic development initiative is seeking $16,500 in matching grant funding from the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Marketing Initiatives program. These funds would match commitments made by the CRD, City of Quesnel, City of Williams Lake, District of 100 Mile House, District of Wells, Community Futures North Cariboo, and Community Futures Cariboo-Chilcotin. If successful, the $33,000 from local sources and NDIT for this project will be leveraged to access $77,000 in additional funding from the provincial Investment Agriculture Foundation, Recruitment, Retention and Innovation Skills Fund to elevate this to a $110,000 project.
This program seeks to address domestic labour workforce needs in agriculture by improving national awareness of the region, increasing visibility of agricultural career opportunities, improving access to resources, promoting local food security, and supporting the growth of small and medium-sized agricultural businesses. The project’s key activities would include forming a regional advisory committee, developing an agriculture-specific section of the CRD's "Make the Move" website, creating targeted marketing campaigns, and collaborating with a marketing firm to ensure effective outreach. The project will also focus on supporting succession planning for existing farms and promoting local processing facilities.
NDIT application for pickleball courts in 108 Mile Ranch supported
The Board will be supporting the South Cariboo Pickleball Associations’ application for $128,519 from Northern Development’s Recreation Infrastructure program. This would complement funding commitments of $120,000 from the Cariboo Regional District, $17,000 in fundraising, and nearly $9,251.64 in contractor donations. If successful, this funding will enable the Association to build an outdoor 7-court pickleball facility in 108 Mile Ranch. The land would be leased from the 108 Mile Ranch Community Association, and the Association would also be responsible for ongoing maintenance supported by membership fees.
New Election and Assent voting bylaw approved
A new bylaw to govern local elections and referendums in the Cariboo Regional District was approved at the last Board meeting. Only one Advance Voting Opportunity will be required under the new bylaw for referendums and elections. It also allows the Chief Elections Officer to organize more voting opportunities when beneficial to do so.. Universal mail ballot voting will continue to be supported by the bylaw. The previous bylaw required two advance voting opportunities for any referendum or election, regardless of the number of people who lived in a service area. The new bylaw will allow for costs to carry out referendums to be reduced in the future.
NDIT application for Bouchie Lake Community Hall playground upgrades
Funding is being sought for the final upgrades to the playground at the Bouchie Lake Community Hall. $30,000 is being requested from Northern Development’s Community Places program, which will be used to install four pieces of playground equipment. The total project costs would be $47,893.48, including $15,000 from the Cariboo Regional District and just under $3,000 in contractor donations and in-kind volunteer hours.
Agricultural Land Commission presents to Board
Agricultural Land Commission Chair Jennifer Dyson and CEO Kim Grout presented to the Board. The presentation included a review of the ALC’s duties and mandate, application volumes for the Interior region, and a discussion on some of the regulations for properties within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The Board raised concerns regarding soil and fill activities and approvals required by the ALC, challenges with the established boundaries of the ALR, and concern over size limits for accessory dwelling units within the ALR.
Anahim Lake airport use agreement renewed with Pacific Coastal Airlines agreement
The CRD has renewed its agreement with Pacific Coastal Airlines for its usage of the Anahim Lake Airport. The renewal agreement has a term of four years and five months to end in May 2029, with annual payments of $70,000 in 2025 incrementally increasing to $80,000 in 2029. The new agreement will also see Pacific Coastal paying for landing fees at the airport in recognition of the recently completed terminal building expansion, which included a new reception counter and office space for the airline.
Upcoming Meetings:
Feb. 10 @ 11:00 a.m. – South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus
Feb. 10 @ 12:00 p.m. – South Cariboo Joint Committee
Feb. 11 @ 3:00 p.m. – North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Meeting
Feb. 11 @ 5:30 p.m. – North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee
Feb. 26 @ 3:00 p.m. -Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus
Feb. 26 @ 5:30 p.m. – Central Cariboo Joint Committee
Feb. 27 @ 11:00 a.m. – Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel
Feb. 27 @ 1:00 p.m. – Finance-Budget Committee
Feb. 28 @ 9:30 a.m. – CCRHD / CRD Board
See the full CCRHD and CRD agendas and minutes at