December 14, 2023
Williams Lake, BC – The Cariboo Regional District (“CRD”) is releasing new information to the public from other agencies about the Hodgson Road and Dog Creek Road slow moving landslide areas. The information being released includes a letter from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. (“EGBC”) and a report from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (“MOTI”).
The EGBC letter includes correspondence from an engineer who is conducting an expert peer review of the work of an EGBC registrant related to slope stability within the Williams Lake Fringe Area Official Community Plan. The MOTI report, authored by engineers working for WSP Canada Inc., includes a technical memorandum summarizing available information related to the Hodgson Road and Dog Creek Road slow moving landslides. Both documents are available on the Cariboo Regional District’s website []. Hard copies are also available by request at the Central Cariboo office in Williams Lake.
The Regional District is in the process of directly notifying property owners within the area identified by the letter and report. Because of the specific and technical nature of both the EGBC letter and the MOTI report, the CRD will not interpret, evaluate, nor provide advice about the information provided in the either document. Anyone who has a concern related to the information in the report should seek a review of the information by a qualified professional registered with EGBC.
The CRD is releasing this information pursuant to sections 25 and 33 of the Freedom of information and Protection of Privacy Act. These sections require the CRD to disclose information “about a risk of significant harm to the environment or to the health and safety of the public” and where “compelling circumstances that affect anyone’s health or safety exist”. The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has also been notified of the report’s release for these reasons.