The CRD Community Heritage Register:
- Is a planning tool, utilized by communities interested in integrating heritage conservation activities into other local government land use planning processes
- Provides formal recognition for historic places
- Must be adopted by a CRD Board resolution
- Has legal status as the first step toward inclusion on provincial and federal heritage registries
- May be created from a new list of historic places, or from an existing inventory.
The CRD Community Heritage Register does not:
- Put a limit on the changes a heritage property owner may make to his or her historic place
- Constitute designation or any other type of formal protection of an historic place
- Create financial liability for the CRD
- Provide funding
- Does not necessarily provide public access to land and/or buildings.
Nominate a Heritage Location
If you think a building, structure or landscape feature in our region deserves heritage distinction, you can nominate it for the CRD Community Heritage Registry. (Please note: nominations within municipalities should be directed to the appropriate municipality).
The CRD's Heritage Steering Committee and the CRD Board of Directors review each application. Successful nominations are also considered for submission to provincial and federal heritage registries.
Statements of Significance
The following locations are currently on the CRD's heritage registry.